Donate now!
Become a member of Playhouse Kerrville to help us bring future outstanding entertainment and culture to the Cailloux Theater and to provide continuing support for Playhouse 2000! Your financial support is essential for the theater to thrive in Kerrville.
Playhouse 2000 would be honored to add you to our list of donors! Your membership donation is a tax deductible gift.
- Level recognition in all programs
- Advance notice of special events
- Free Admissions to P2K shows at Director level and higher
Membership levels:
- Playbuilder $10,000 and up
- Producer $5500 – 9999
- Angel $2750 – 5499
- Benefactor $1100 – 2749
- Director $550 – 1099
- Actor $275 – 549
- Patron $110 – 274
- Contributor $40 – 109
- Donor $5 – $39
Click on the Become a Member button below to complete your membership donation form:
You may also purchase your membership by phone with the box office by calling 830-896-9393 or send a donation by check to the address below:
Playhouse 2000
P.O. Box 290088
Kerrville, TX 78029-0088
Interested in a one time, non-membership donation? Click to Donate below using our online donation form: