P2K regular “Mitch” Mitchell has long been a favorite on our stages, and many will remember his success creating short-form writing for our “Stories on Stage” series of events produced by Sarah Distel a few years back.
Now, “Mitch” has put on the Playwright’s hat, and has created an original script set in the American west.
The play, The Mountain King, will receive a workshop treatment consisting of a set of readings and revisions. We’ll be making the whole process public, including a full-length “live stream” you’ll be able to follow on line.
Plans are still being finalized, but we can confirm that you’re invited to join us on Thursdays, October 8, 15 and 22 at 6:30 for full readings of the script.
The cast will include Jeremy Sosa in the role of “Joshua,” a young man on a mission to purchase land in the newly opened Badlands, and Sheldon Boyce as “Kady,” the trail-weary curmudgeon hired to see him safely across the plains.
We’re very excited to have an opportunity to help see this new play – and new Playwright – on their journey. It should be a fascinating process! Watch this space and/or our Facebook page for details on how you can join us!